Beat the shit out of the Lost Prisoner after releasing him. Its too bad theres no submissive scenes involving him dominating you though. Interested in seeing more content about them.
I'd love to be able to do more with the Nyx Parasites. Maybe infest some of the folks in town or our party members like the imp. Getting more options with the minotaur guard and possibly some parasite play with him would be cool too.
On the note of the minotaur guard. It'd be nice if, when you become his master, you ask him not to stay inside so he doesn't fall to his corruption. That'd also open a route for later inducing it by seducing him and infesting him yourself.
Hmmm... So I downloaded this game to my laptop about a year or two back and then my laptop got trashed so I got a new one. I can't tell which one of the downloads is for PC XD.
With the captive werewolf, once you loosen his bindings if you don't free him in that encounter you can never free him. So you can't tease him and come back to it later. You're stuck with him a permanent prisoner who can't do anything. That doesn't seem like it should be that way.
Yes I'm playing that version on the web. I am reporting to the developer that if you try and tease the werewolf it locks out the ability to release him later.
is there anything else I can do with echo besides look in the mirror and perks? also wounderfull game I dont usually enjoy expansion stuff but this game makes it really enjoyable
The symbiote unlocks the arousal bar and when it hits 100 you transform into him. When you're in that state you can use one extra special attack with move linking * which means it's a wild card. There's also an extra fight move that builds arousal but it's not very useful. Turning into the symbiote gives you some extra stats and hit points I think, but it seems almost negligible after all of the other abilities that have been unlocked. When the limit break system went in, it wasn't enabled until you got the symbiote but now it's just immediately available. As a result, you can pretty much ignore the symbiote.
(not 100% sure how many of these things are necessary, just listing what I normally do)
So, the big one is to have the Memories of Nyx achievement; this is what opens a lot of the 'corrupt' options for random citizens.
You also need to go and collect Echo (the goo transformation thing). When returning from the meteor site, the guard will stop you; I usually fight him because there's another Nyx option to start corrupting him once you win.
Once Abel invites you inside to talk about the whole corrupt meteor thing, tell him that you're embracing the power but you're definitely doing it to protect him. He'll think you're sweet, and you'll get the option to corrupt him. Grats, you know have a glowy Abel.
I'll note the I was sitting at about 100 corruption for the guard and Abel since I was just brute forcing my way through the river to the meteor. This might not be required, but I'll leave it here in case the above isn't enough.
oh wow thank you so much! Memories of Nyx is what I am missing yet! I will try this next time :) Love that game by the way and I hope you enjoy it alot!! 🤗
you might already be aware but mentioning it just in case, once the bind starts growing larger his body/art starts to cover the text on screen at multiple points, it's notable at tier 2 and pretty bad (like covering half the text) once he reaches tier 3 growth (for reference this is on the dom path have not done sub and i know he takes a different appearance there so i cannot say)
hello! i just wanted to give a lil tip to you sombreve, about the css, so normally it looks like this
ok so you see that space down in the main window? its kinda bad for me, it requires me to scroll a lot more because of that space, so i modified a couple of value to make it like this,
now i dont know exactly what you are using to program it so the html version might be compiled from something else but if this is not the case i recommend you to do theese simple changes, its literally 2 values and its even full responsive like this, instead before it had absolute values
Is there a way to further your relationship with Abel, you know getting busy with him, I managed to hug him after echo part, I reached athropus boss without corruption, even lost and escaped but nothing so far with him
OK I got nyx ending and managed to slightly corrupt him but he went back to normal, any way to fully corrupt him or I need to wait future updates I need to know
You have to unlock torgar 2nd form and tell him to studying the effect,if you see 4 arms form you have to fight and select the path of redemption after that leave torgar
Came back to try and play the game again. But then I remembered the limit break system and how I personally never liked it. Tbh, I wish it could be turned off / on. Like, I know this was probably put in place because I remember when people were talking about how they didn't like how they couldn't control their growth if I remember.
Like, I just wish we could turn it off because it just doesn't feel that much fun for me anymore, having my character grow nigh-infinitely. But. This is just a little thing that I personally don't like as a tldr way to put it. I wish we could get the old way of growth back.
If you're playing 7.7, and particularly with a high level save from 7.6, the limit breaks come in trios every three levels or so and the jumps start to get pretty high after a point. On top of achievement bonuses crossing over, even a new game lets you get limit breaks pretty quick from how quickly you can level up. Plus unlike in 7.6 you only have a marginal amount of initial growth when putting your limit break in place. So achieving nigh infinite growth is significant more viable.
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How do you achieve ascended prisoner?
Beat the shit out of the Lost Prisoner after releasing him.
Its too bad theres no submissive scenes involving him dominating you though. Interested in seeing more content about them.
I'd love to be able to do more with the Nyx Parasites. Maybe infest some of the folks in town or our party members like the imp. Getting more options with the minotaur guard and possibly some parasite play with him would be cool too.
On the note of the minotaur guard. It'd be nice if, when you become his master, you ask him not to stay inside so he doesn't fall to his corruption. That'd also open a route for later inducing it by seducing him and infesting him yourself.
Just some thoughts.
Can anyone help give me a hint on how to get the Ascended Prisoner achievement?
It's from the werewolf prisoner. Free him then explore the north.
love it. games like these are always diamonds in the rough.
Hmmm... So I downloaded this game to my laptop about a year or two back and then my laptop got trashed so I got a new one. I can't tell which one of the downloads is for PC XD.
was this achieved naturally
With the captive werewolf, once you loosen his bindings if you don't free him in that encounter you can never free him. So you can't tease him and come back to it later. You're stuck with him a permanent prisoner who can't do anything. That doesn't seem like it should be that way.
Did you download the newest free build 7.10? Cause there's more content with him if you downloaded it
Yes I'm playing that version on the web. I am reporting to the developer that if you try and tease the werewolf it locks out the ability to release him later.
is there anything else I can do with echo besides look in the mirror and perks? also wounderfull game I dont usually enjoy expansion stuff but this game makes it really enjoyable
The symbiote unlocks the arousal bar and when it hits 100 you transform into him. When you're in that state you can use one extra special attack with move linking * which means it's a wild card. There's also an extra fight move that builds arousal but it's not very useful. Turning into the symbiote gives you some extra stats and hit points I think, but it seems almost negligible after all of the other abilities that have been unlocked. When the limit break system went in, it wasn't enabled until you got the symbiote but now it's just immediately available. As a result, you can pretty much ignore the symbiote.
By any chance is there a way to corrupt Abel, if not will there be?
You can corrupt him, it just doesn't really do anything outside of give him a faint purple outline.
how tho? :(
(not 100% sure how many of these things are necessary, just listing what I normally do)
So, the big one is to have the Memories of Nyx achievement; this is what opens a lot of the 'corrupt' options for random citizens.
You also need to go and collect Echo (the goo transformation thing). When returning from the meteor site, the guard will stop you; I usually fight him because there's another Nyx option to start corrupting him once you win.
Once Abel invites you inside to talk about the whole corrupt meteor thing, tell him that you're embracing the power but you're definitely doing it to protect him. He'll think you're sweet, and you'll get the option to corrupt him. Grats, you know have a glowy Abel.
I'll note the I was sitting at about 100 corruption for the guard and Abel since I was just brute forcing my way through the river to the meteor. This might not be required, but I'll leave it here in case the above isn't enough.
oh wow thank you so much! Memories of Nyx is what I am missing yet! I will try this next time :) Love that game by the way and I hope you enjoy it alot!! 🤗
I tried to add my save to the latest version, but it is not working. The achievements that I already collected don’t work.
you forgot to update the game version on the picture here, it still says 0.7.8 on the top right of the image
I hope you will increase the maximum limit of height, muscle, ball, and dick size in the future update hehe
Ok. I have a gist of how to unlock some achievements and none to others.
Any hit about “Memories of Nyx”, “Memories of the Minotaur of the Minotaur”, and “Word of Power”?
If you need help with other achievements, ask.
Feed the Chosen
1Try to help the Chosen
2Align with the minotaur
May I ask how to get 'Memories of Nyx' achievement?
so how to unlock"Shifting Ideals"achievement? I can't find both sides of the doppleganger.
I think you need to fight him one time when you are in low corruption and one more time when high corruption
correct. For me low Corruption was 80+
And High Corruption was 200+
How many Torgar's forms?
Hello, may I ask which version of Simplified Chinese has been updated to
you might already be aware but mentioning it just in case, once the bind starts growing larger his body/art starts to cover the text on screen at multiple points, it's notable at tier 2 and pretty bad (like covering half the text) once he reaches tier 3 growth (for reference this is on the dom path have not done sub and i know he takes a different appearance there so i cannot say)
With only one scene shot i have no idea, if this is a text type game or not
Yes, mainly text game, but there´s some nice arts in there
Will there be a route specifically for the Bind?
hello! i just wanted to give a lil tip to you sombreve, about the css, so normally it looks like this
ok so you see that space down in the main window? its kinda bad for me, it requires me to scroll a lot more because of that space, so i modified a couple of value to make it like this,
now i dont know exactly what you are using to program it so the html version might be compiled from something else but if this is not the case i recommend you to do theese simple changes, its literally 2 values and its even full responsive like this, instead before it had absolute values
Good game i got to max on all limit breaks and level 100 with far too much essence
Is there a way to further your relationship with Abel, you know getting busy with him, I managed to hug him after echo part, I reached athropus boss without corruption, even lost and escaped but nothing so far with him
OK I got nyx ending and managed to slightly corrupt him but he went back to normal, any way to fully corrupt him or I need to wait future updates I need to know
Im guessing to corrupt him you need to have alot of corruption and gain the give corruption fight move, then fight him and use it as much as possible
How can you fight Abel in the first place?
Will there be more bind fun in the future updates?
Version 7.9 is gonna have more bind content. If you wanna see just look here
Guys, I need help to unlock "Word of Power", "Memories Of Kanathar" and "Memories Of Apothus" achivements, I can't find any way to complete it :((
Both memories you listed I think involve losing the fight to those people (specific fights)
It's work, thank you!!
Hey guys! Why does the executable version still need internet connection to show images?
Can I ask,what do I do if I got torgar with 4 arms form and what can I do with it?
Can I ask how to get that path?
You have to unlock torgar 2nd form and tell him to studying the effect,if you see 4 arms form you have to fight and select the path of redemption after that leave torgar
(Unfortunately, only the path of Ascension is not available at the moment.)
what is it mean?
I can't get him, could You tell me after how many fights am I suppossed to SEE the 4 arms form?
oh dang, sorry for his dad. hope he recovers soon and it doesn't cause any other medical issues later for him.
Might be going crazy, but wasn't there a way to actually speak to the Lost Naga at some point? It's been a while since I've played.
You need to be small enough to fuck his slit
How to press the naga's cock on character slit?
See, I swear there was something you could do that would ultimately have him talk to you and acknowledge your symbiosis. Weird.
I've never run into actual conversation. I believe he has some lines for if you've lost and stolen size from you, but I think that's about it.
Came back to try and play the game again. But then I remembered the limit break system and how I personally never liked it. Tbh, I wish it could be turned off / on. Like, I know this was probably put in place because I remember when people were talking about how they didn't like how they couldn't control their growth if I remember.
Like, I just wish we could turn it off because it just doesn't feel that much fun for me anymore, having my character grow nigh-infinitely. But. This is just a little thing that I personally don't like as a tldr way to put it. I wish we could get the old way of growth back.
If you're playing 7.7, and particularly with a high level save from 7.6, the limit breaks come in trios every three levels or so and the jumps start to get pretty high after a point. On top of achievement bonuses crossing over, even a new game lets you get limit breaks pretty quick from how quickly you can level up. Plus unlike in 7.6 you only have a marginal amount of initial growth when putting your limit break in place. So achieving nigh infinite growth is significant more viable.
actually its even easier now to grow infinitely, breaking the "limit break" system is pretty easy
Which file do I download there's so many?
the one named "Download Executable [0.7.7]" if you're on windows and just extract files
I'm on Android so I'm trying to find android one