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(6 edits) (+2)

Hyper growth content has been a rarity even moreso if we are talking about games which is something I definitely appreciate what I am getting from this game despite yaoi is not usually my forte.

Will there be more pure path content available in the future build? So far most of the sex scenes and content can only be seen in a corrupted playthrough exclusively especially with the 0.4.8 corruption perks and abilities addition.

Also what's your thought of reducing the grinding progress by increasing xp and essence overall from the encounters and adding more body size scaling global abilities especially with strength related perk/stats change is hard to obtain without tedious grind and due to the only option to practically increase your health pool to soak critical damage is very limited and one of them will locked you to pure path (Also the game nature by itself is a power fantasy already, the fact that bazillion kilometers tall Titan can be knocked out with few critical hits from a specks relatively speaking is pretty bizarre, felt like there should be more reward for the growth related stats to those who really into the grind, especially the late game perk are all growth related)


You bring good points in there, I'll see what I can do for the next version.

(1 edit)

Hi, Sombreve! Sorry to bother, but does anyone know how to get more "Cards"? I had 8-9 in 0.45/0.46 but now I am back at only four. And I cannot remember how I got more.

Also, is there any way to regain lost Levels and Essence quickly? I spend a lot of time grinding both to defeat you-know-who and give enough to that-thing and the though of doing it again every time a new update that is not compatible with the older saves releases is just... a little bit disheartening.

Nevertheless, I really love this game and I hope to see more in later updates. The awesome art and story really make it amazing, specially since there are so few games that have these topics, so having something like this is really nice.

Thank you for your time!

Yeah I agree that losing your progress is unfortunate, I'll add ways to level up your character quicker whenever I can't support saves in newer versions.


So like….will there be anything added with Abel’s visit? I know it was just added, but going there just felt like there was no point….I’m not saying that we need to brutally fuck and destroy his guts or anything, but it would be nice to have some more friendly banter with him rather than just….be there. I remember when I visited him when I had like over 200 corruption or something and there was no mention of it or anything….it was just like “I’m too tall so he has to bend his head back all the way.” And even after you do the choices to talk to him, there’s nothing else….I just think he doesn’t seem friendly enough towards you, and if you’re corrupted, he should at least react differently….like a friend would.


We do plan to add more conversations with him based on what you become/do in the game.


Y a y 🐊


Hi Sombreve,

Wanted to give some feedback and suggestions!

Due to the way that damage is calculated at the moment, it becomes really frustrating to use the different sigils. Beginning a fight with 4 sigils of Growth/Vitality  and then layering 8 sigils of Pain makes no difference to the strength of the "initial hit", which Growth/Vitality seem to calculate their values off of. So even with a final hit of 300+ damage you can still get trivial healing/growth values. 

This results in the Sigil of Vitality being terrible for either burst or sustained healing since it's incredibly RNG dependent, and makes Growth feel terrible to use in actual fights unless you're grinding on super weak enemies that don't hurt you. It's less the feeling of suddenly growing bigger and overpowering someone that was larger than you only moments before, and more the redrawing cards over and over so that you can stack 5 perception -> 8 pain -> 4 growth and then get an insane boost when it crits for high damage.

The "infinite" actions Focus now offers (after some setup) is super busted in tandem with Codex's Passion. This has now become an immensely powerful healing tool at maximum lust given with good play you can sustain 60hp heals every turn - this becomes incredibly consistent with the new corruption moves and you can still produce crazy high damage numbers without having an attack in your move slots by amplifying Stomp or Deluge of Seed. This also trivialises stamina - you don't care about stamina regen at all when you regularly play 20+ Focus/Sigil cards before you even make your first attack.

Because Focus now grants an action slot, the level up ability that grants action slots is now horrendously weak. 

Finally I've noticed 2 issues that seem to happen recurringly. Corrupted strength stacks don't reset between battles sometimes, and Focused stacks don't reset between battles sometimes. This seems to happen intermittently. Maybe the flag to reset them is only targeting one at a time?

I also have a pretty big suggestion:

Separate "Sigil" builds from "All Out Attack" builds.

Right now Sigil of Vitality doesn't seem to vibe with the sigil playstyle. The idea is to stack multiple sigils into one enormously strong attack, but if you want to use Sigil of Vitality you have to interrupt your stacking process whenever your life goes low. Which is often.

If you're playing a Sigil focused build then your best bet is always Codex's Passion, since the act of stacking sigils heals you instead of attacking. It makes it so you're able to stack sigils indefinitely instead of interrupting yourself over and over or risk death. 

The strength of sigils means that despite having multiple attacks in the game you're always encouraged to only have 1 attacking move in your deck, so that you get maximum Focus and Sigil cards to use. You only really need to attack once every 5+ turns after all.

Rather than make sigils less powerful, I'd argue that the best bet is to show regular attacks some love. Examples:

- Have an ability that scales on using multiple attacks in a single turn, making them exponentially stronger the more you hit. First attack does 1x damage, second 1.5, third 2.25, and so on. This would be nuts when combined with sigil stacking, so you could make it only affect attacks that hit without being amplified by sigils.

- Change sigil of vitality so that you use it as you hit an enemy, instead of stacking it before you hit.  Maybe have it scale off of the total damage of attacks that have been used in that same turn and that turn alone. This would let builds that use multiple attacks still get big heals, and would mean sigil stacking builds have to lock in to using Codex's Passion for sustained heals if they don't want to use attacks. 

Last thing I want to say is that I love the corruption-locked moves, and I would love if 0-corruption builds were also able to get certain moves at certain levels. Maybe through talking to Abel?

Love the game. Keep it up.

Thanks for the suggestions, there's cool ideas in there that I am interested in experimenting with.


(3 edits)

Honestly my thought is that Sigil stacking practically the only way to create a more consistent outcome in the current game's combat. So creating a pure melee/berserker like build more viable would be nice, adding replayability to the game. (which probably will overshadow the Sigil build in terms of prowess and accessibility)

Speaking of combat, it would also be nice if multiple anatomies come from the mutant perk actually providing combat bonus or more observable effect in the future aside from very minor flavor text changes and added roleplay value.

(2 edits)

Hi!, This time is report problem.

On conversation about attack guard with Abel lol there's 

Error: <<if>>: assignment operator found within <<if>> clause (perhaps you meant to use an equality operator: ==, ===, eq, is), invalid: $ = false

And few same problems.

Ok, Next is **** with G*ar* are available in this version or need more high *** point?

I miss g*ar* you know : )

Sensor word for safe about spoiler!!

Nyx ending mean all of nyx ritual?

Oh **** I must play long run ..

Oh yeah! That bug is fixed for the next version


Damn....mans was not playing around when he said macro, hyper and muscle...gotta love being 15,782 miles tall, having a 15,782 mile long cock, and having balls 15,782 miles huge...


how do you corrupt the guard?

Look at arousal, there's some key points for standing in fight

I just finished playing and sweet mother of gawd holy hell. I wasn't expecting that, but consider me pleasantly actually enjoyable kinky as fuck type of game. This is amazing! Thanks for this....I'm excited to see more!

I do have some questions though:               SPOILERS***

1) What am I supposed to do? I don't mean gameplay things like battling or whatever, but I dunno where I need to go next. I got to the Nyx manor and talked to Drenth and left. I dunno if I need to kill him or not...I haven't yet so hopefully something will change for my next time playing.

2) What does corruption actually do? I'm currently at 50 corruption points and I'm still confused as to what major effect on it has on the game. The only noticeable changes I notice are dialogue changes and the now purple UI :(

1) Check the monolith at the entrance of the manor.
2) There's more features using Corruption coming soon! (0.4.8 specifically)

(1 edit)

when you can, it be nice to play inset of a male, a female


can visit Abel's house but it's not an option?


it will be in the next version.


Okay. Looking forward to it

Uhm...which download is for Android?...

Every of version


Is it possible to put some of the combat skill details in the mouse over box, to make it more compact and reducing scrolling, for an update at some point down the track. Overall i love the game and keen to see where it goes, so keep up the amazing work

You can't "mouse over" on mobile devices, but perhaps a click/tap to expand (+) would be helpful!


Got to say that I normally don't play these style of RPG games but holy hell this is fun, id love to see how you can recruit more lost minions and especially more stuff to get from Tok since after I get the 3 moves I just fight him for exp, would also like to see a bit more variety on the northern side, but other than that man its hella fun and cant wait to see the game as it updates


Can you do more about mutation ? I'd like to see that.


How does the strength stat work?
I have a strenth stat of 18, but my slash atack does 15 damage


Every 5 strength gives you 1 additional damage.


Thanks :

(1 edit) (+1)

Where is abel house and ... Village has anymore interaction? I mean talk with elder or someone.

Oh right I forgot, where the part that bull is defeated. It's say grant sun or something. Wtf is it?.

At least hint ya likewise : on story path or some game system.

I'm trying to figure perfect ending.

Sorry for pry to much...


No problem man 💜

We're still working on story content for the game, Abel's house will be accessible in 0.4.7

As for the minotaur, that will come a bit later.


Your game really~ answer my Desire~.

Thanks for Info!, Keep work because maybe in future I'll paid your work 😜

Right now?, Broke haha~. From all my list game, you are top 8 best game.


Awww thank you so much! 💜


Can you check nyx parasite?, I feel like i can't grow over it.

There are one time and I accidentally delete save so I don't know how to grow over it.

It's like I set to not over it height.

Deleted post

I can add a zip for future versions. Also I wanna improve the framerate for future versions, playing on PC instead of mobile helps a lot though.

Deleted post

how do i play this on my tablet im not familiar with html files

What I use to play html games is a app called joi play then you use rar extract the files and use the .html or .exe file bada bing bada boom and your playing your game


Can you add female part and female character 


Can you remove the old builds from the download? It's very confusing.


They are numbered, what is there to be confused about?

well, can't use the autoupdate to begin with.


I've been playing for some hours... I got to lvl 125 and get all upgrades lol it took a while but I was really obsessed with this XD


fair play


Holy crap!
I've never seen anyone do this :O
Thanks for playing so much! 


Already love this game

is there any play to continue your game from an old save made in an old version?

Deleted post

just tried that but i think the version it had be install and play on is too old old, when i did it it gave me an error saying 

Cannot set property 'endBehaviourInstructions' of undefined.


Deleted post

Only some versions support older saves, sorry!


When you are bigger than the door of the manner and barge in surely you would have broken it already when returning or does it reform?

Deleted post

I probably spent countless hours checking out every single choice in the game, beating it twice with corruption and then without. Awesome RPG with lots of potential!

(1 edit) (+1)

Can you try making a actuall apk for the game sorry if this is asking to much but the download won't work


I am having trouble too and I have a new phone. I don't know why I can't change character name or race but I would love to play. I don't even see a way to get past the first page

My phone says that the download failed and idk why it won't let me


What are all the demon transformations i have the second one


Last one is Lord of lust that's where I'm at right now.

I dont know if it's my device being dumb or not but it won't download the game it just says download failed


When you are a demon lord can you still visit Abel's house?

As of the 0.4.3 build, you cannot actually enter Abel's house just yet.

what I meant was if the update came out where you can visit his house, can you still go there as a Lord of lust.

Idk if I did the right path but I killed the boss in the Monolith. Is it the right path? haha


Is 4.4 ever gonna be for free download? sorry if this seems rushing


Yeah, builds come out for free a month after their Patreon release.


The game has a lot of potential, most of it is really good, the only thing i want to talk about is the battle system.
The battle system of this game is pretty interesting in my opinion, and at least in this version, the boss is pretty hard, i mean, unnecessarily hard, i needed to grind so much and use so many strategies to beat it, and still it was a draw in the end of the fight.
Despite the difficulty, there's not much to complain, the game is pretty cool, and i think there could be more images for the enemies, please don't give up on this project, it's something that i really want to see complete.


I am now a major demon muahaha I have corrupted my whole village, I feel powerful even if it's in a game.

(1 edit) (+1)

How do I visit Abel's house after I unlock the option?


We are still working on this part. Stay tuned!


any update on Abel's route?

It should have an update for 0.4.7

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