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Just a general comment... I've followed this game through its development for quite a while, and I've most definitely noticed that it has gotten several drastic changes. It's to the point that it's not even particularly close to the game it used to be. These don't even really feel like updates so much as you just trying to figure out what sort of game you want to make. Obviously it hasn't even hit version 1.0 yet, so of course not everything is set in stone, but... it's over halfway to 1.0, and at the pace of changes that have been happening, I'm a bit concerned that the core game mechanics are still going to continue to change even after 1.0, which could alienate some people.


It's how game productions go tbh. You iterate over your designs until you're happy with them.

I'm happy with the core mechanics now though. I wanna tweak how stamina works soon but that's the last thing in my list. After that there shouldn't be that many drastic changes to how the flow of combat and progression works.


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Maybe I just don't usually actually play games continuously throughout their early development, so I don't see the process. I think most of the time those decisions are made before any sort of public release. What I'm more used to is a developer going on hiatus because they didn't like the direction it was going, and taking time off to make a decision before releasing a single full overhaul.


Hi Sombreve, as someone currently working in design you are absolutely correct. You continue iterating and gathering feedback to fix pain points and emphasise the game's unique features. You're doing great work. 

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Perhaps this is how it should be done, but if that is the case, then the vast majority of designers and game companies don't do it correctly.

From my perspective... the people who are following a game through its development probably don't want to suddenly be playing a different game, else they very likely wouldn't have been interested in the game initially. Like me, I enjoyed this game in previous iterations. I completely lost interest and actually uninstalled it for while. Reinstalled it later... played it a bit, but just... wasn't feeling it. Haven't even played the last two versions because the changelog just doesn't grab my interest at all. It's changing core mechanics that I had already grown accustomed to, and I don't want to play a completely different game than the one I initially downloaded and liked.

Perhaps I wouldn't notice and would still enjoy the game if I hadn't played the older versions, since I wouldn't have grown accustomed to them.


Version numbering isn't the same as decimal places.

The versions can go on like this: 0.8 -> 0.9 -> 0.10 -> 0.11 -> 0.12 and so on.

For all we know, it could be less than 10% on it's way to 1.0

Im having trouble getting "incomplete memory" achievement wich end i have to do to get that? Pls it's my last achievement 😭

Take down... you know

Warning, might be best if you do other first

For question, scroll down below

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Oh My!!!! God!

I found a mechanic loop and something that won't waste my time collect it all hahahah!

Thank for your update and lovely game

Alert, for developer

Mr.Sombreve, hope you notice something that is in Ending dialog  screen on right top and the end button.

There are something appear in that moment and I just find it very reliable hahah.

Well, it's one time use per version of game.

Might be nice to use in incomplete memorie


Excited because i saw 6.2 in DOC .net

But when came to itch...

:/ bruh, hahahahaha! : ) can't hold my laugh hahah

You found my secret trick :O
(I'm uploading it right now)


Is there a way to know how to get each version of Togar or is only corruption version available at the moment?


Only the corruption version available at the moment, but the purity path will be in 0.6.3

Oh I cant wait for an update! I'm so excited!!


Should be coming very soon <3

Hello! I would like to ask how to do the Memories of Nyx achievement? That is the only Achievement that I have yet to get or do since I really do not know how to do it.

Oh nvm, I got it now! :D

im stuck on getting the word of power achievement, can you help me out? I got all the other ones already

Ope, never mind, just got it!!

3 things i would like to see in the future. Something if you end Softlocked because you choose figth Apo(Maybe a future Third Phase? if you have other achivements) would be great,like a Temporaly passive bonus effect

Abel's Corruption or more interactions with him/alternative route when he goes with you to the crater(Im waiting,eagerly but waiting)

maybe a Good/evil(?) Dialoge or interactions,like you can be "Corrupted",but still beign good and with Torgar make a "Processed Corruption" and spray it in the Golden Bastion,would be corruption but its'nt like lost or  *** and obtaining it you can "Purify" Cray

now i have a question. How you obtain "Word of Power" Ending,its the only one ending i need... 

Maybe special achievements if you focus in obtain all ability of one branch and a selector for toggle on/off achievements bonus.

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Word of power require

Need one thing with imp, it should be enough hint

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Alredy figured out,thanks!

Are gonna update the wiki? or thats is a project completely non related with the devs

(Sorry if i have a poor gramma or i write weird things,english is not my first language)

This is actually my final achievement, can you help me out? I have no clue how to get it.

Ope, never mind I just got it!!!! 

it's mainly a gay game or this is just a part of the game

Both, part of game involve everything like this but... for story maybe soft than this.

Anyway, of course it's gay game

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How do I reach an ending? It's my first time playing, I've played for hours now but can't seem to reach an ending to restart the game. I've defeated Apothus and cleared the manor, did I lose the chance to get an ending? What am I supposed to do? Do I have to feed essence to Lakkos and the Imp? (I already gave Imp a bunch of essence)

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Alert : Some spoil for someone new that have problem

You need to restart on your own by button Well... you go for main story route that's unfinish andddd there are one for apothus but you must lose to him. Try to do something involve cult for ending. And there are something with imp.

I can only hint like this since it's  for achievement.

Oh right, I will answer if i can instead developer because he must busy with update.

So ask something that not require spoil ending.

dang it I didn't want to restart the game since I'll lose the achievements, but it looks like I have no other choice... thanks

is this gay only or are there other sexes?

basically are there males AND females?


Right now,  NO

How does one go about corrupting the guard? And is said guard the one who confronts you after getting Echo? Grinded out >200 corruption and have yet to see the option (either before or after fighting him).

Require memorie of ###

on more hint sir, for safety spoil more than this

i love the game but with the update i lost all the skills i gained from the achievements😢

This time, it will not happen. He already said to my comment

Are there ways to become smaller?



You know what i mean.

is the MC dom or sub ?

Up to you, for imp


I wish you can attack the village and corrupt it as well as have sex with Abel and also corrupt him too

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How do you get Memories Of Apothus achievement? Is there a dialog option, or you just need to lose to him in the battle?

Yeah, you just have to beat his first phase and loose to his second phase


To be honest, I don't think the race choices system before game start make much sense, they don't have any useful features other than a little change in adjectives later in the description, like some special abilities for each race, unique battle cards or something, might as well delete the system. Or it's that will be considered more in future?

Love this game. Superb writing and a fun combat system. Finished the game getting absolutely massive... (and taking in so many spawns but uhh.... that's besides the point)

Quick question, what happened to the other goo monster encounter in the first area with the imp and "neutral" slime? Has it been removed? I really liked that encounter..

Either way, love this game and I look forward to 0.6.1!!


Quick Question, is there any way you could add more save slots? I end up using quite a few and eventually have to manually save to disk and its just a little weird. Just wondering though, if not thats alright :

Love the new update. One question though, do you ever plan to implement a weight/weight gain system? I'm sure it could work out pretty well, even if I am a bit biased.

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Loved the new update's content :)

I have a few suggestions for additional achievements: 

- Fully upgrade Imp

- Become a Lord of Lust

- 'Mate' with 5 different partners kek

- Something related to rejecting corruption, whereby you pursue the path of purity maybe something like 'gain 10 levels' without earning any corruption? ooh it could even be called: Uncorruptable

I liked the additions of the achievement system, i just dont like the permanent 20 corruption provided by 1 of them as it made devoting to purity on a reborn playthrough not worthwile.

Additionally if you ally with Apothus it leads to a path where you cannot be reborn unless im missing something, not sure if its due to content still needed or is it just temporary?

Now that there are a few endings to the game, I really have to go back and make that main story lead to an ending, at least temporarily.

Since the last update i was wondering  how much essence will it take to fully upgrade our imp on the party? If someone can answer that would help me a lot.

8000+ from my experience

Hello, I am in love with this game and the 0.6.0 version further enhance it with the achievement... but that's where my question is: How DO you reach an ending? Because I beat Apothus instead of joining him, became Lord of Lust and have meet you-know-who's spawn(?) but none of that led to an 'Ending' Can someone help me?

What happened to green and black goo guy

Okayyyy~ enjoy it so far but one question.

Does reborn after ending don't need us to choose race anymore? Cause mine is werewolf and end up human second run???

Another mystery by Nyx i guess hahahah

I fixed that bug in 0.6.1, sorry for the troubles 😅

Patiently but eagerly waiting for the next update!

I'm getting it ready right now <3


Wait, does high corruption act as an exoskeleton? Because if corruption will be going down after a while, but the growth you've gained will stay (did I get it right? idk), it conflicts with the moment when you collect corruption from the Lost, and it says they return to their original size and form, without any gains from being so corrupted. So, am I wrong, and will the size gained from corruption also disappear? And if it will not, why do Lost lose their size when you make them normal? Does having a symbiote actually have a point in lore, as it makes your size gains stay, despite being uncorrupted?

The scenes with the Lost are gonna be reworked to fit the new Corruption design. The idea is that Corruption is temporary but the size it grants stays with you.

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Alright guy, 0.6.0 release note i read so far is...

Save from 0.5.3 is not compatible with it

Start new game plus by use exp and essence from last build, I  Recommend everyone gather exp as much as you can.

Achievement coming : ) this time you use more time to get it all for sure hahaha~

I post this if someone lazy to read note in other website.

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I remember there being an ability that you could select in the level-up screen that permanently increased how many moves you could combo up as well as how many moves you could have at once, was that replaced by focus, or is it still in the game?

Not sure, still waiting on the update. It should be any day now.  IM SO EXCITED!

iM  sO Op

7ft 1.5in compared to your Height of 8ft 5in, how do you even walk around with that thing??? Lol

my dog saw it and now he's doing the nae nae over the orphans in my basement

here take a look

I'm so op

So i ran into a bug that my strength goes into the negatives each time my stat gets too big, is this going to be fixed soon?

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So i have tried to load my last load at 0.5.2 but instead of succes i experience "Fatal Error" on the game version 0.5.3 idk why but i have tried back at 0.5.2 and it work. Just for info the load i test is already Complete all the "Feeding Essence" expect for 1200 Essence for imp

Pls help

I would like content to bottom for imp to

Oh imp love <3 I think submitting in the fight has you bottoming, kind of?

Im sure will get it soon, maybe in the next update.


Are there any plans on what is gonna happen with the big version of the imp? Would love to bottom for him and other characters here

More imp content will be coming VERY soon~


Is there any guide for this game? Because i try to get the 4 arms torgar but i don't know how

He is not implemented in the game yet.



Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'startBehaviourInstructions').


Save from 0.5.2

Need help!!

if you move to a different passage after getting that error it should fix itself.

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Please if anyone can help me Im a little confuse on the story, I dont know my main goal or is there even one, I dont know where and what to do, currently Im just fighting anyone then gain exp, please enlighten me on how to properly play the game


as far as i can tell, the story is basically just the starting events before it becomes fully open exploration in its current version, i just started playing this a couple days ago myself. the main goal in it's current form appears to be just gaining levels and exploring, interacting, and fighting until you're strong enough to find more interesting characters, locations, and events. 

so far ive found that in order to do more things in the game, you basically need to grind levels and gain skills until you can defeat most basic enemies that you come across. you never really gain anything from losing to enemies with only a couple exceptions, but defeating them gives you more options for fun, growth, and corruption. and a lot of the really fun stuff ive found in this game is centered on your character gaining as much corruption and growth as possible. 

story-wise this feels very much like the main plot is still in progress, but there does seem to be a major story plot-point in the Cult of Nyx, dont wanna spoil it too much beyond that though

 Hi, where can I get the Sun's Power to give to the minotaur guard at The Nyx's hideout, I'm having trouble finding it. Because you seem to know the game well so I really hope you could help. I want to continue the storyline  after give him what he need, I feel bad killing him. 

Thank you if you could answer me this lil' question. 

based on everything ive read so far in the update release notes and everything ive played in this game so far, helping out the mino-guard hasnt been implemented yet. i switched from playing the Free version here (5.3) to playing the more recent Patreon Version (6.0) but still only have the one option of letting his soul free with that poor guy. the other option still says "not implemented yet" im afraid

im not worried though, the game is very much still in production and i can only imagine the kinds of upcoming content that will be coming! <3 <3

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Hey, is there a place to report bugs?

I picked up the Faith’s Reward ability, but it seems to be applying -2 strength every time I fight anything, even if I flee or there was no corruption involved?

I’m playing 5.3 from the link here on itch.

i read on the Release notes for the Patreon-tier version of this game that this bug was fixed for version 6.0. since this free version is basically just an older version of the game, prolly just gonna have to wait for version 6.0 to become free in February or purchase it/pay into his Patreon beforehand, theres more content in that version according to the release notes anyways so im thinking of leaving 5.3 behind <3

Ah, nice. Thanks for the info.

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Yeah. 😞

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