Fight him a lot and when you can "please him/suck him off"
When given prompt, submit to him
Go to Nyx's hideout and talk with the demon
Return to the Imp and tell him of the encounter
Go back to the hideout and you will fight the imp
To get the Word of Power achievement (as well as another one) you need to lose the fight (if you win you get a different achievement) and then in another playthrough (be reborn) fight the Imp again, but this time "press him against your body" (dominant option) and then after a few encounters he will submit to you and you can tell him his name (altough this option appears to lead to a softlock, meaning that it's unachievable)
I agree with most of that but you don't actually need to be dominant the second time around, I kept choosing "pleasure him" and still got the achievement and even avoided the softlock this way.
Yeah, I have played version 0.6.5 on both mobile and windows, using html on android and executable in windows, and in both cases it softlocks with an error message
please for the next update add a way to restart while keeping all achievements that doesnt involve beating an ending or your save coming from a previous version
that way people wont get softlocked if they find a bug that doesnt let them progress or if they manage to get to a position where they can get non of the endings
You know. I been thinking. Will you add some shops ? Like a shop that sells Potion like Health or Stamina or Mana. You should also try to add some like a drop item like a bean stat increase. But each colors represent something! Like Green Bean is a health stat of 1. Some Beans is Permanent But some are temporary. Like Purple Bean is Corruption stat of 1 or 5 depending how dark the Purple Bean is. They should also have a chances and where or what kind of species it can be obtain from. like the slim for example. Chances of getting a Blue Beans that increase stamina can only be obtain through slaying a slime.
its just a suggestion or thought of idea. Since were all gonna loose our progress depending the update.
Había un momento que me estaba enfrentando a un lobo corrompido y de la nada los atakes se me ponen en negativo y la vida y la barra verde y no me deja hacer daño no sé qué hacer no sé si está echo aposta es un bug o es otra cosa
despues de obtener suficiente XP te aparece en el forte
y el crecimiento hay un millon de formas de hacerlo, yo sugeriria que compres todas las pociones del medio orco (en orden para tenerlas todas y ganar XP al mismo tiempo) y uses el movimiento que te da con la ultima para aumentar tamaño basado en tu tamaño
luego venceria al imp y lo dominaria todas las veses, y lo tendria como compañero (aunque sumiso tambien ayuda, pero dominante te ayuda incluso antes y te lo da de compañero)
luego haria que el medio orco valla por el camino de corrupcion
y despues de eso le agarras la mano
para la corrupción segui haciendo cosas que la aumentan una despues de la otra y es dificil volver para atras sin abstinencia lol
there is one achievement in which u free nyx or become one with it or something like that that gives u the option of corrupting him and the guard you first meet if you start a game with it, aparently
I havent gotten it myself cuz the game sorta broke on my last save just after I saved it and it was my only save and I want to keep the achievements so I'm waiting for the next update lol
so idk how extensive it is, it's probs not that big a thing and will get expanded upon later
when loading up the game I get this error that covers the health stamina and lust meters. is this a common problem? I tried to swap to a different version but the same thing happened.
is this the game where at some point, were gonna go in prison and meet the head guards and stuff and meet some prisoners and you can romance with a hyena/fox (cant remember it's been so long) -the sex scenes were kinky and kinda brutal- ps. its not triple r and furgeon i think
I have a height of almost 500000km and suddenly, my strength gets set to a negative 2.1 billion, making it impossible to deal any damage. My attacks litterally HEAL the enemies now. That safefile is now sadly softlocked, with no ending accessible. x/
Really good stuff! Shows a lot of promise so far, and I can't wait to see what comes next.
Is there a plan for adding more size tiers past 6? It's rather amusing that I can reach sizes bigger than earth itself yet the game doesn't seem to make mention of it. I get that the game's in development by a small team, so no rush ofc; I just wanted to place small feedback on something I would love to see touched on more. In any case, great work so far!!! <3
(Also could the hyper feats add a percentage rate increase of growth for the you-know-where? So if I want it to keep being bigger than the rest of me even while using things such as sigil of growth...)
Will the future updates ever give us images and artwork for lewd events or will the game stay text based? I'm really curious because i played this game the very first week it came out and now i came back to see how much it progressed with the story and i'm very happy with the results, though i wouldn't really mind if the game had more art of our character having ''fun'', or just more artwork in general except just those few pieces of some characters in the game. But if there aren't going to be any that's still okay with me, i'll just have to keep my imagination working hard ;3
So pretty dumb question, I got the game through steam since it was cleaner and easier to download. Would the future updates like 0.6.4 be available through steam or no? because I am excited for so many things
-The recruitment process for lost ones -More Abel Interactions -More Torgar Interactions
I just cant wait for new things. It took two days (thanks to one annoying achievement) to complete and im so excited to see more!
The lore in the story is simply amazing, and whoever is playing via mobile I highly recommend playing on desktop or similar. The gameplay difference, for me, was what kept me going to beat the game.
Sombreve, you did such an amazing job on this and cant wait to see what else you have in store ❤❤❤
Well, for any of those wondering, I got the Patreon download for 0.6.4 and technically the steam save for 0.6.3 does transfer over BUT there are restrictions. It was very worth it to become a patron!!!
I know this is a kind of a weird suggestion but I was wondering maybe you would ever add some kind of character where they just had a had a helmet for a head, or they just wore a helmet that you could possibly grow them, like maybe a Knight or something? I thought it would be kind of hot cool if you could grow some knight but they still had the helmet on rather than it just coming off. Thanks for the sexy awesome game.
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Question, is there a way to get the Sigil Of Triad for ourselves? (The mix of the three moves, not them seperately.)
You can't get them right now currently
Good to know, thank you Llama
How to complete the achievement “Word Of Power”?
You need to complete one the Imp's endings:
Fight him a lot and when you can "please him/suck him off"
When given prompt, submit to him
Go to Nyx's hideout and talk with the demon
Return to the Imp and tell him of the encounter
Go back to the hideout and you will fight the imp
To get the Word of Power achievement (as well as another one) you need to lose the fight (if you win you get a different achievement) and then in another playthrough (be reborn) fight the Imp again, but this time "press him against your body" (dominant option) and then after a few encounters he will submit to you and you can tell him his name (altough this option appears to lead to a softlock, meaning that it's unachievable)
I agree with most of that but you don't actually need to be dominant the second time around, I kept choosing "pleasure him" and still got the achievement and even avoided the softlock this way.
"Utter Kanathar's name" option in the imp dialogue doesn't work and it softlock me as there is no other options.
I was going to comment on that too, which is sad cuz I kinda love Kanathar
Yeah, I have played version 0.6.5 on both mobile and windows, using html on android and executable in windows, and in both cases it softlocks with an error message
apparently that bug got fixed in the next version, which is on patreon right now.
Sombreve said it was fixed in 0.6.5 which is the public version but the bug is still here.
I guess he meant 0.7.0(Patreon Version) because it got fixed on that one
Lo que estaría bien sería que en la siguiente actualización meterías más tamaño de todo músculos altura etc
Nvm got it
Clicking "Return to a uncertain fate" -> "The End (For now)" to do a New Game+ gives me:
Got that doing the Memories of Cray ending once I hit NG+, also got the bind cockring achieve in that run, maybe that has something to do with it?
Essence surge stacked until 110k power 💀
Next victim is Lakkos!
please for the next update add a way to restart while keeping all achievements that doesnt involve beating an ending or your save coming from a previous version
that way people wont get softlocked if they find a bug that doesnt let them progress or if they manage to get to a position where they can get non of the endings
That's a good idea, I'll keep a note of it.
i decided to quit the game since i lost all my progress
If we wanted to offer to help the game, how would we go about it?
that was quite fun in multiple ways
You know. I been thinking. Will you add some shops ? Like a shop that sells Potion like Health or Stamina or Mana. You should also try to add some like a drop item like a bean stat increase. But each colors represent something! Like Green Bean is a health stat of 1. Some Beans is Permanent But some are temporary. Like Purple Bean is Corruption stat of 1 or 5 depending how dark the Purple Bean is. They should also have a chances and where or what kind of species it can be obtain from. like the slim for example. Chances of getting a Blue Beans that increase stamina can only be obtain through slaying a slime.
its just a suggestion or thought of idea. Since were all gonna loose our progress depending the update.
Hmmm update delayed o.o
I finally found out how to play on Android without using the website 😌
First. download the dawn of corruption HTML
Second. Download joiplay if you don't already have it downloaded
Third. Click the + button and use the HTML file for the executable
(The rest doesn't matter but it's always better to fill it out, incase you use joiplay for more than just dawn of corruption)
Were you able to update to the 0.6.5 version as well? I'm kind of lost on how to do that, that way i don't lose my achievements.
No I haven't, I'm not sure how to update it without losing progress.
Había un momento que me estaba enfrentando a un lobo corrompido y de la nada los atakes se me ponen en negativo y la vida y la barra verde y no me deja hacer daño no sé qué hacer no sé si está echo aposta es un bug o es otra cosa
There is an error that shows up if you say the demon imp's name when you're trying to dominate him, and you can't click the option to kiss him.
yup, aparently the next update already has that fixed, so once the next update comes up it wont happen anymore
we'll just have to wait for the next update
Eh It was great but after I got the achievement to ascend my lil imp I cant say his name or even kiss them it basically makes me unable to continue
Y como subo de nivel??
despues de obtener suficiente XP te aparece en el forte
y el crecimiento hay un millon de formas de hacerlo, yo sugeriria que compres todas las pociones del medio orco (en orden para tenerlas todas y ganar XP al mismo tiempo) y uses el movimiento que te da con la ultima para aumentar tamaño basado en tu tamaño
luego venceria al imp y lo dominaria todas las veses, y lo tendria como compañero (aunque sumiso tambien ayuda, pero dominante te ayuda incluso antes y te lo da de compañero)
luego haria que el medio orco valla por el camino de corrupcion
y despues de eso le agarras la mano
para la corrupción segui haciendo cosas que la aumentan una despues de la otra y es dificil volver para atras sin abstinencia lol
Como hago que el personaje se haga mas grande y que tenga mas de 10 de corrupcion??
Is there a way I can corrupt Abel?
there is one achievement in which u free nyx or become one with it or something like that that gives u the option of corrupting him and the guard you first meet if you start a game with it, aparently
I havent gotten it myself cuz the game sorta broke on my last save just after I saved it and it was my only save and I want to keep the achievements so I'm waiting for the next update lol
so idk how extensive it is, it's probs not that big a thing and will get expanded upon later
when loading up the game I get this error that covers the health stamina and lust meters.
is this a common problem? I tried to swap to a different version but the same thing happened.
is this the game where at some point, were gonna go in prison and meet the head guards and stuff and meet some prisoners and you can romance with a hyena/fox (cant remember it's been so long) -the sex scenes were kinky and kinda brutal-
ps. its not triple r and furgeon i think
game breaks if I utter kanathar's name lol
and cant not utter it, not allowed to
Well, I think I've reached an overflow.
I have a height of almost 500000km and suddenly, my strength gets set to a negative 2.1 billion, making it impossible to deal any damage. My attacks litterally HEAL the enemies now. That safefile is now sadly softlocked, with no ending accessible. x/
I'm way beyond strong😎
Is this mainly gay or is a mixture of both, gay and straight?
mostly gay.
mainly gay?
I'm not sure, can you play as a female?
But I think the majority of it is super gay.
I don't think there planning on changing to straight content.
Your welcome X-)
only male x male content
It's gay as hell.
but there is a female part
and it's the slime
Hi, could I ask when the public release for 0.6.4 is set for? I'm really excited for what the patchnotes say will be added.
It should be out tomorrow, really sorry for the delay.
No worries, the wait was worth it, I love this update.
Really good stuff! Shows a lot of promise so far, and I can't wait to see what comes next.
Is there a plan for adding more size tiers past 6? It's rather amusing that I can reach sizes bigger than earth itself yet the game doesn't seem to make mention of it. I get that the game's in development by a small team, so no rush ofc; I just wanted to place small feedback on something I would love to see touched on more. In any case, great work so far!!! <3
(Also could the hyper feats add a percentage rate increase of growth for the you-know-where? So if I want it to keep being bigger than the rest of me even while using things such as sigil of growth...)
Will the future updates ever give us images and artwork for lewd events or will the game stay text based? I'm really curious because i played this game the very first week it came out and now i came back to see how much it progressed with the story and i'm very happy with the results, though i wouldn't really mind if the game had more art of our character having ''fun'', or just more artwork in general except just those few pieces of some characters in the game. But if there aren't going to be any that's still okay with me, i'll just have to keep my imagination working hard ;3
Also is there a limit on how tall and 'big' you can become? I've been playing for about 2 hours and i'm already over 30 feet tall.
The limits are very, very high.
30 feet?.... ROOKIE NUMBERS!!! Try upwards of miles.
So pretty dumb question, I got the game through steam since it was cleaner and easier to download. Would the future updates like 0.6.4 be available through steam or no? because I am excited for so many things
-The recruitment process for lost ones
-More Abel Interactions
-More Torgar Interactions
I just cant wait for new things. It took two days (thanks to one annoying achievement) to complete and im so excited to see more!
The lore in the story is simply amazing, and whoever is playing via mobile I highly recommend playing on desktop or similar. The gameplay difference, for me, was what kept me going to beat the game.
Sombreve, you did such an amazing job on this and cant wait to see what else you have in store ❤❤❤
Well, for any of those wondering, I got the Patreon download for 0.6.4 and technically the steam save for 0.6.3 does transfer over BUT there are restrictions. It was very worth it to become a patron!!!
looks like version
0.6.4 will be a good one also owner add more enemies it's getting kinda boring fighting the same enemies
0.6.5 will have a new encounter :3
Hey, what programming language/game engine is this made in? Just curious, this game has honestly inspired me quite a bit. Thank you.
It's based on Twine with a lot of JS on top of it.
Yup. I just checked.
OMG Chara confirmed?😱
not again! they fixed the bug some versions ago, now it's back or what?!
but how is your strength so low - can you even move???
I'm surprised we don't have a cat race or even a rat race yet.
Well, It would make sense for there to be a race for felines, but idk why rats would be apart of the race roster...
I mean Abel is a cat
Yes, I know Abel is a cat. Im talking about why the would add a Rat species.
I know this is a kind of a weird suggestion but I was wondering maybe you would ever add some kind of character where they just had a had a helmet for a head, or they just wore a helmet that you could possibly grow them, like maybe a Knight or something? I thought it would be kind of
hotcool if you could grow some knight but they still had the helmet on rather than it just coming off. Thanks for thesexyawesome game.why i have a feeling that i already saw that comment....somewhere else...
oh, sorry if you did, I didn't see this suggestion anywhere else