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how can i fight against the real god of lust? it is the only title i am missing before i start going for the finals. 

is there ant way to load imagines faster ?


I should've checked the tags first, this a fucking yaoi game. 💀

Woo! More nyx parasite content! 😁 So excited~ <3


Is there a pure no-corruption Abel romance?


So, does anyone knows what exactly happened to Torgar's Ascencion path?

 It was my favorite one because it matched the most with his storyline and personality. I also liked it because it proved that corruption isn't a bad thing and could and should be studied and experimented. Though i LOVE the Corruption path for the MC, my heart is a good guy's and i also enjoy not being so evil destroying everyone's minds, but Torgar's Redemption path makes him look so... weak, yk? Unlike Drenth that gets his strength from fighting temptation, Torgar seems to get weaker by doing so. I hoped that the "good" divinities blessed the other uncorrupted characters as much as they do to Drenth and the MC, but maybe that's yet to be explored... Idk, maybe Torgar's lacking his character development arc. I liked that there was a middle between fully rejecting corruption and fully embracing it for him (it would be awesome if the MC also had one. Maybe in a DOC 2?). I hope Sombreve hasn't given up on this plotline ç.ç


Is there any way to grow a party member or enemy beyond either sparring (party/potential party members and the Bind) and letting them use their native growth abilities on you, if you can tank them. Or more than the very limited amount that the bind does per submissive choice after beating. Barring those "natural" manners. Having to take the demon corruption to get incubus call. Which in current builds of the game is incredibly difficult to make non lethal in one blow even with keeping your limits fairly low. Plus the new combat system (I've not played since somewhere around 7.9 an age so it's lining up a combo isn't intuitive, yet at least.) makes stringing out a combo very difficult since combat moves forward automatically.

(2 edits) (+1)

From what I can remember,

For Ferro, if you do his sex scene and submit to him each time, he'll gain a rank in  a ability that makes him grow after you win any encounter.

And, for the imp, if you completely dominate him, you can grow him with essence when you check on him while he's your companion. If you fully submit to him, though he'll grow after you win or lose to him.

As for the other encounters, yeah, sadly that's the only way you can grow them. 


I forgot Ethrex, you can grow him if you lose against him when sparring with him while he's your partner.

Are the mid-battle growth descriptions gone? I don't see them when fighting the imp anymore.

Deleted 179 days ago
Deleted 179 days ago

Can anyone tell me how to end the corruption of the eye of the void and what names I have to put?


when is the next update?

I'd like to ask a question.

Who is Eroth? I know who Silas is, but I can't seem to wrap my head around Eroth.

Ethrex, dunno why tho'

How do I help Torgar reject the corruption and become my teammate?

Basically, have him “resist the urge” every time you encounter him after he breaks his canisters, and when he finally fights against it, stay back. Visit him after this and he’ll join your party.

Doing this eventually unlocks the achievement that gives you a special tonic that uses your corruption rate to boost strength for five expeditions.

Of course, you could also keep tempting him to corrupt him fully. Once done, beat him five separate times to recruit a corrupted Torgar. Personally, I only bother to have him reject the corruption only once for the tonic, because an uncorrupted Torgar’s stats are ass. Corrupted Torgar isn’t much better, but at least he gives you a buff to your stats with his special trait, similar to Adel’s Timeless Bond. A maxed out Sub-Kanathar (the Imp) is honestly busted and can destroy almost every enemy in the game by himself, though I’ve yet to test on Nyx (the true final boss), because I can’t figure out how to get a non-corrupt eye to do the fight.



Is anyone else having issues with the visual elements? I played for a bit and decided to save and take a break, but when I reloaded the save, most of the visuals stopped appearing entirely. No character portraits, no backgrounds, even the ability cards stopped appearing in combat.

That can be caused by a bad internet connection, when you launch the html version of the game without internet connection it doesn't load the visuals, or maeby a bug.

I'm using the windows executable download version, I have since found out that for some reason it just takes a while to start loading so i just wait in town for a few minutes so it can load up, afterwards everything else loads fine.

That's... interesting XD.


going full corruption strictly for the stat buffs 10/10


How do you play in android? I'm trying to download ot but I can't

Ddownload the HTML version of the game and launch it with chrome or Joiplay, alternatively you can try going to the game website and play it from there.

Error: the passage "DebugMenu" does not exist


Some of the dialogue options in the Eye of the Void are greyed out-- is it because they're not yet implemented or because I don't have the requirements?


The wiki is broken


it seams its certificate has expired

I can't figure out how to get to the final fight after I complete the eye. Any ideas?

Excuse me sombreve, can you make a next update about a new ui battle. I can't see all of action cards. It does only three in the beginning TvT


excuse me, do anyone know how to get finale of temptation?


never mind, i finally get it


Mind sharing how?

(1 edit) (+4)

well it was quite the discovery, so i'll give you the detail.

heavy spoiler alert! (please don't read if you don't want to get spoiled by future endings)

so, you need to fully repair the abyss eye first of course. then you have to give it power by typing name. (i don't know if this has any effect or not, but i recommend to get other endings first before you decide to get this one. especially since fighting nyx is also extremely hard like when you fight ethrex in his ending, so getting additional stats buff from other endings are heavily reccomended).

there are 3 conditions that can be trigged after empowering the eye. first is unleashing eye's purity, second is unleashing eye's corruption, and third is unleashing the eye's ultimate power.

fyi, the name you can type is all the existing name in the game except cray (for some reason i don't know). this including your name, and pretty much any npcs, even the nyx or echo itself.

to get finale of purity or temptation, you need to trigger "unleash the eye's purity". to trigger this, you need to type lukka's name (after the whole echo's related quest), torgar (if you decide to help him reject the corruption and he becomes your teammate), and lastly drenth (make pact with him, so you must not infest nor kill him).

then you just need to beat the last boss and choose to either destroy it (purity ending) or accept it (temptation ending)

next two endings could be change in the future as they're still wip, but i somewhat discover them in process.

to get finale of corruption, you just need to type 5 npc's names that belongs to corruption path, such as nyx, kanathar, apothus, ethrex, tiadane, ferro, etc.

lastly, to get the true ending. you just pretty much type all the possible names mentioned above (including the pure and corrupted npcs). 

here's the list of names i discover (could be more in the future):

ankou (can be triggered but has no effect)

abel (can be triggered but has no effect)

lukka (purity path and after completing his mission)

torgar (can be either purity or corruption path depending on how you influence his action)

kanathar (corruption path)

echo (can be triggered but has no effect)

eroth or ethrex (corruption path)

silas (can be triggered but has no effect)

ferro (corruption path)

tiadane (corruption path)

drenth (can be either purity or corruption path depending on your action towards him)

apothus (corruption path)

and lastly nyx (corruption path)

i don't know if cray was a bug, but his name won't trigger anything.

do remember that your current corruption status has no effect with the abyss eye naming. so, you can still trigger unleashing eye's purity despite having a tremendous amount of corruption as long as you manage to finish the name requirement first.

so yeah, that is what i discover.


Who the heck is Drenth? I just recently got this game, but I have no idea who some of these characters are.

He's the dragon you randomly meet in nyx realm

Thank you! :D

(1 edit)

You can also input Herald and Embrace Memories of the Lost, Also leading towards Corruption ending

Yooo, just saw this. New version is hype! Excited to try it out!


Is it possible to get all of the hidden achievements at the moment? I'm down to one remaining, which I suspect might be Pure of Heart but I don't know exactly how to get that one from it's description in the patch notes.

As a side note, I wish there was a way to reveal the hidden achievements without having to complete them; maybe if you complete all the currently revealed ones then one hidden achievement would be revealed.

pure of heart are obtained when you defeat the final boss without your corruption going over 100, sometimes it is buged so I recommend you to leave a save before fighting the boss and defeat it until you get the title. 


I am a bit confused by Lukka: As the game goes on I can't interact with him meaningfully, and the text seems to imply that I am too big to enter his laboratory, so is there more to do with him if I keep myself smaller?

If so, what is the treshold?

You should be able to talk to him regardless of your size. Did you already talk to him about the symbiote?


I'm just going to say my bit

lesbins would be the alternate of this sexually confusing game


I don't know if you can find some lesbianism in Corruption of Champions 2, maybe.

(1 edit) (-1)

Is it just me or the game no longer runs on window 8?


What's most interesting to me is that Cray is not at all referred to as an awakening. There is also the fact that each character has an order in the awakening.

The Herald is implied to be the first, though not explicitly stated. He is only said to be before all others.

Nyx is the second.

Tiadane of all people is the third.

Kanathar is the fourth.

Apothus is the fifth.

Ferro is the sixth.

Ethrex is the seventh.

Silas is the eighth.

Torgar is the ninth.

Drenth is the tenth.

Lukka is the eleventh.

Abel is the twelfth.

We ourselves are the thirteenth. 

Echo is apparently the failed awakening. The only character in the game that can be encountered that is up to choice, not chance like any of the others.

What is interesting is that there is currently no insight on Cray, the Bind, or the Slime. Perhaps Cray himself can be considered still asleep and never awoke to the world.

(3 edits) (+2)(-1)

I really like the new lore added. Also, as far as I am aware, there are at least 13 names involved in the eye of the void.









Ethrex/Eroth (Gives the same result)





These are the ones that I have found to give reactions from the eye of void. I'm trying to recall the name of the Naga so I can see if it works too.

Discovered another:

Silas (The Serpent)


When will be public the 9.1 patch ?


In a bit.

I was at Anthrocon these last few days but I'm home now.

There are several hidden endings, how do I complete them?


I love the new Ethrex art! However, I find that some of the dialogue doesn't really match how he looks now.  There are many parts that describe Ethrex's powers as demonic with a lot of red. This contrasts his current art that has lots of blue/ cool colors.


How collect all shards of Eye of the Void? And how Get Memorys of Cray?

For Cray you have to go and "Feed the Chosen" three times and then merge with him (You have to join Apothus' cult for that, naturally)

For Eye of the Void, if I remember correctly, you need to visit Apothus in his realm and then chat with Abel, who will tell you who to go in order to get the shards

All you have to do I believe is enter the chasm realm and see the black sun, then go back to Abel.

If you ask Abel, he will describe the previous bearers of the Eye, those descriptions should sound familiar to you.

You can find them in the Eastern Barrens


I really like this game, it's almost the best one I've ever played in the same genre! But I would like to ask if there will be more options for MC to be bottom in the future?


true we need more bottom scenes

How can you save your games progress to files? I know you could do it in the past, but I’ve forgotten how.

How exactly does the Minotaur ending work? I'm led to believe you want to get his promise, but I can't seem to do whatever needs to be done in the tainted realm to get his ending.

I think it might just be bugged. Right now you can only get it by telling him his name when you first meet. Then get the promise of servitude.  Thats how I managed to unlocked it anyway


Is there any way to play this without the need to be constantly connected to the internet for the pictures to load?

Not currently, sorry.


is there a way to have an app on android? that way the website wont shut down etc etc. i hope im making sense

I want to know where I can find the Dragon Man after he is infected.


You can't encounter/find him after you infect him right now.

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